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Welcome your pet as it deserves. From now on, your house will be his home, so prepare it so that he feels happy and comfortable. Here you have, step by step, the formula so that everything is prepared and perfect

One of the things you should anticipate is the dangers that your pet could run into. To give you an idea, it is something similar to adapting the home before the arrival of a baby. Take a walk around the house and look closely for anything potentially harmful. Here are more tips to create a safe environment.



-Cables and plugs: organize cables so that they are out of reach. It is a good time to put them in order and away from danger. Do the same with the power strips and plugs, and put on plug protectors if necessary. 

-Cleaning products and others: such as air fresheners, insecticides, rodenticides, etc. If you store them in low furniture, do not forget to lock them or block them with some of the security systems that they sell for this purpose.

-Medicines: if you want to avoid getting scared, never leave any medicine within your puppy’s reach, always try to keep them in an inaccessible place.

-Small objects: check with a magnifying glass to detect and keep away from your pet any object that can be swallowed: clips, toys, rubber bands, pencils, screws, needles, and anything else that poses a risk to their health.

-Plants and flowers: just because they are beautiful and give warmth to the house does not mean that they are harmless to our animal, therefore, try to place them in places where they can see them but not bite them.

-Chocolate, a forbidden food: for many humans it is a delicious temptation, but your dog should keep this product out of reach to prevent it from becoming intoxicated. The same goes for sweets and sugars.

-Stairs, balconies and ponds: all of these should be out of reach of a curious pup; If you place a stair fence in a strategic place like the ones used with small children, you will save yourself the trouble of not having to watch him. A fence can also help protect your furniture and objects from your puppy’s uncontrollable chewing instinct.


Create a space for them to sleep that is as clean as possible, without carpets, on materials or fabrics that can be easily washed, in a place that is not subject to traffic and that can be well ventilated.

Your pet will need a bed, where to sleep and feel sheltered and calm. Let it be the bed that best suits your pet and, of course, comfortable and safe. Add a few cushions and a blanket and his bed is ready. Watch out! They should not be regulars in the bedrooms and beds where their two-legged roommates sleep, and above all it is advisable not to assign them a space to sleep in these environments.


Upon arriving home, everything will be new for your new puppy, reduce stress and make it easier for him to adapt by giving him the same food that he ate when he was with mom. Later, with the advice of the veterinarian, you will decide what food to give him and how to offer it progressively.

For water and food, place a couple of bowls in the place designated for their feeding. Find the one your dog needs; choose from steel, plastic, or ceramic; simple or ergonomic.


1. Try to have all the products and utensils that you will use for your grooming and hygiene ready:



-Hair comb


-Nail clipper


2. Don’t forget to put a toy within reach. It could be a bone, pacifier, ball or teether, you have endless objects to choose from so that your puppy is distracted and entertained.

3. Treats or prizes for dogs, will make him feel rewarded. When he behaves well, do not hesitate to offer him a delicious bone or snack.

4. Get an identification tag, with your name and your telephone number, to put it on the collar, in case your furry friend ever gets lost.


Our furry friends don’t know about expensive furniture or delicate objects. So protect your most precious pieces, taking them out of reach or covering the sofa, for example. Dogs love to chew and a teething puppy will chew on anything within reach of its jaws. If you want to protect your socks, your shoes or your sofa, buy a selection of chews for your pup to test his teeth with. Make sure they are non-toxic, durable and not too hard on your puppy’s teeth. Never leave the puppy alone with any object that could go down his throat, break in his mouth, or electrocute him.

We put forth a lot of effort to raise happy,healthy puppies with remarkable pedigrees.

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