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Yes! Golden Retrievers are very smart in fact they ranked 4th smartest dog breed. The Golden Retriever’s acute ability to communicate with and understand human emotions, is what truly distinguishes them as intelligent beings.

The Golden Retriever is an excellent family dog that forms a strong bond with the family that adopts it.Goldens are very affectionate dogs who seek the affection of all members of the household. The Golden Retriever is a loyal dog, very affectionate and with an absolute dedication to his family. In addition, they love to work, learn quickly and have an excellent memory. Also, they are gentle,docile and delicate and get along with all kinds of people. Due to his desire to please, he adapts to the needs of each one, whether they are children, elderly people or other animals.

Golden Retrievers live for an average of 10-12 years. But some can live up to 15 years.

Their Personality. The golden retriever temperament is sweet, smart, and affectionate. Golden retrievers are playful yet gentle with children and get along well with other pets and strangers.

No, actually it is one of the dog breeds that bark the least. They rarely bark to alarm you if they see something unusual or for very specific reasons. Fun fact…Two Golden Retrievers have entered the Guinness Book of World Records. The world record for the loudest bark is held by an Australian Golden, which measured 113.1 decibels.

There are three types of Golden Retriever and the differences between one and the other are limited only to their colors and very subtle differences in physical appearance. The varieties are American, British and Canadian.The variations between the two are minor; the American is less muscular, has a thinner physique, and a coat that varies in color from light to medium to dark gold.The British is more muscular, with a waiver and lighter coat. The Canadian, on the other hand, is a taller dog with shorter and finer fur.

Golden retrievers, as hunting dogs, require a lot of activity, at least 1-2 hours of outdoor activity a day.They enjoy games, hikes, and, if possible, swimming. Intense workouts, like agility and fetch benefit healthy adult dogs by releasing pent-up energy. They’re natural athletes that excel at a variety of sports.They are not, however, suggested for puppies and young dogs (under 18 months) because of the risk of joint damage. They can also be stimulated with interactive activities such as puzzles, bubbles, music and videos.

Similar to other retrievers, Goldens are notorious for carrying objects wherever they go, including sticks, toys, clothing, or anything else that isn’t secured.Remember they were bred to retrieve waterfowl. Chewing is beneficial for dogs’ health since it keeps their teeth clean and strengthens their jawbone, that is why dog bones, chew toys, Kong’s and dental treats should always be offered.

Golden Retrievers’ hair should be brushed at least 2-3 per week, brushing is the best way to keep your Golden Retriever’s hair nice and soft,but every one to two weeks, a Golden Retriever’s coat needs to be thoroughly groomed to prevent uncomfortable matting and excessive shedding. Additionally, you shouldn’t bathe your golden retriever more than twice per month, because doing so could harm their gorgeous, soft undercoat. At least once a month, you should gently trim your Retriever’s nails.

Generally, golden retriever puppies are fed three to four times a day, while adult dogs eat twice a day.


Here is a list of commonly asked questions and answers,that may help you understand the Golden Retriever breed better


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